2024 Spring Leagues:
Important Information & Participant Obligations
Players are responsible for managing their own participation in this league; this must be performed via the Leagues section of their CourtReserve account. Although not mandatory, it is recommended that players use the CourtReserve app on their smartphone (or similar device) and bring that device with them to all game days in which they participate.
Game Day Opt-In/Opt-Out
For each and every scheduled game day, those intending to play must opt-in. Your opt-in/opt-out decision impacts all other players - please make sure you understand its significance.
Game day opt-in/opt-out is available exactly seven days prior to the start of the next scheduled game day and closes two hours before the start of that next scheduled game day. Once the opt-in/opt-out period closes, the matches for that game day will be generated based upon those opted-in to play.
Since all league registrants are opted-out of every game day by default, players need do nothing during the current opt-in/opt-out period if they know that they will be unable to participate in the next game day.
During any active opt-in/opt-out period, players may opt-in/opt-out multiple times as their game day availability dictates.
Game Day Attendance, Punctuality & No-Shows
All league registrants will be participating in matches during game days for which they have opted-in. Therefore, it is imperative that opted-in players actually attend that game day. The entire series of scheduled matches for any given game day depends upon the participation of all those opted-in.
No game day matches can start until all opted-in players are present. This is because all matches will have to be regenerated if an opted-in player is absent. Please ensure that you show up punctually on game days for which you have opted-in.
In order to help minimize disruption to all game day participants, any opted-in player that that is not present at their designated court during a ten minute period after the scheduled game day start time shall be considered a no-show. Matches will then be regenerated with no-shows being excluded from play for the remainder of that game day.
Game Day Matches & Court Assignments etc.
After the opt-in/opt-out period closes and game day matches have been generated, players will be able to see their matches and court assignments. Although matches are presented in a specific order, players may agree amongst themselves the order in which they prefer to play them.
Recording Game Scores
Game scores shall be recorded by the players themselves using CourtReserve. For any given game, any of the players involved may enter the score. It is suggested that one active player from each rotation be the designated score keeper and that the other active players witness and agree the score before each game score is committed.
Comprehensive Details of League Format, Operation & Rules etc.